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January 23, 2022

FBC News

Find these announcements and more in our weekly bulletin.

2022-2023 Scholarship Applications are ready. You can find printed ones on the window ledge in the office hallway and electronic ones on the church website.

Clean Up/Work Days at FBC: Saturday, January 29, and Saturday February 25 at 8:30am: The intention is to clean out all storage areas and classrooms including closets. A major focus on January 29th will be classrooms in the old educational building that have not been used the last couple of years. If you have previously served in any of these areas and have things you want to keep, please come and get them on or before Saturday, Jan 29th. Watch for sign up sheets being passed around before worship this morning.

Wednesday Dinner: 5:30pm; January 26: Chicken, Loaded Mashed Potatoes, Glazed Carrots, Salad, Dessert

Ladies Caring and Sharing: Thursday, January 27 at 2:00pm. We will be packing gift bags. Suggested items to bring are: medium size gift bags, chap sticks, canned soup, travel size hand lotion, Kleenex. Come join us!

READY: Youth Conference: Amidst a culture shifting like the tide, it is imperative that students are ready to defend “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3). To that end, mark your calendars for READY, a student conference held on January 28-29, 2022 on the campus of Midwestern Seminary in Kansas City, MO. This conference features the following guest speakers discussing the book of 1 John: Sam Bierig, Heiden Ratner, Jared Bumpers, Noe Garcia, and Jared Wilson. Contact Jerry Patton, Chris Baker, or email for more info.

Montana Partnership: Sunday, January 30, immediately after worship, there will be an information meeting for anyone who wants to participate in a partnership with Apsaalooke Baptist Church in Crow Agency,Montana. This is part of the Missouri Baptist Convention’s partnership initiative with Montana Baptist churches. Apsaalooke Baptist is a small church on the Crow Indian Reservation. Our church looks to come alongside Apsaalooke Baptist to encourage, support, and further their mission of making disciples in their region. We plan to send a short-term team to support the ministry of Apsaalooke Baptist from July 29-August 7, 2022.

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