We look forward to worshipping with you!
Plan your visit with us…
Parking is available on both Collier and Singleton streets facing the church building. Handicapped parking is available in front of the church building. We also have a paved parking lot on Singleton Street (adjacent to Prenger Foods) and a gravel lot on Collier Street (adjacent to Fenton-Kendrick Funeral Home).
Our Family Entrance (southern entrance on Collier Street) provides wheelchair access to the Fellowship Hall, Kitchen, Gymnasium, and bathrooms. For access to the Sanctuary there is an elevator at the Northwest Entrance on Singleton Street.
We will do everything we can to help you have a great experience on your first visit to FBC. There’s no dress code. Some folks dress up and some folks wear what they’d wear any other day of the week. The goal of our corporate worship service is to glorify God. We’ll sing songs that are 200 years old and we’ll sing songs that are 2 years old.
We have a nursery available during our Sunday morning worship service and Sunday School classes for all ages. Children’s Church is offered the first three Sundays of each month. Children are always welcome during our weekly gatherings! We also offer classes for children and youth on Wednesday evenings at 6 PM following a FREE pizza dinner for the whole family at 5:30 PM.
Our children’s ministries use a computerized check-in system to ensure that your children are secure during all ministry activities.