
Make disciples of all nations . . .

At First Baptist Church we take Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:19 to make disciples of all nations seriously. We strive to see God’s global mission accomplished by both partnership with other like-minded organizations and by directly supporting long-term missionaries in gospel-dark areas of the world. Explore our global partnerships through the links below:


We support the Cooperative Program through the Southern Baptist Convention. CP missionaries are furthering the work of the gospel in North American and around the globe.


We’re partnering with Casas por Cristo for a short-term mission trip in the summer of 2019. Click the link above for more information.


Church Planting in Romania

We partner with Kayla Meier from Mexico, MO, who is part of a church-planing team in Romania. Read more about Kayla’s ministry at the link above.


Church Planting in Brazil

We partner with a church plant in São Thomé das Letras, Brazil. For updates on this ongoing partnership, click the link above.