Missouri Baptist Convention Annual Meeting
Depart FBC October 24 in the afternoon. Stay 2 nights in Branson, returning the evening of October 26. Cost is $100 per room.
Find out more about the Missouri Baptist Convention’s Annual Meeting here.

Family Football Outing
Missouri vs. Tennessee
October 2, 2021
Kickoff Time: TBA
$25 per ticket (North Hill Seating)

Parenting for Life Sunday School Class
The task of parenting can be intimidating, perhaps the most weighty responsibility we face as disciples. How we nurture and teach our children will continue to influence them even when they’re adults (Proverbs 22:6). Our parental influence leaves a lifelong imprint. No wonder so many Christian parents are stressed by the task God has given them!
Yet parenting is meant to be a joy, not a burden! While never downplaying the vital role of being a parent, Scripture never paints raising up our children as a minefield. Instead, children come with the promise of great joy and rich blessings (Psalm 127:3). God’s design is that parenthood be a rich source of blessing, not something that should strike terror into the heart of Christian couples.
Scripture sets surprisingly straightforward principles for parenting. God’s guidelines are never cryptic or mysterious. A return to the simple scriptural truths about parenting would revolutionize families and churches in our culture.
Parenting for Life was published by Grace Community Church and pastor John MacArthur with a prayer that the Lord will use it to raise up a generation of families where the Word of God is the focus, and where a single-minded commitment to the authority of God’s Word is passed on faithfully from generation to generation.

Missouri Baptist Annual Meeting
The 185th Annual Meeting of Missouri Baptists
Join us October 28-29 as we travel to the Branson Convention Center to celebrate God’s work across the state of Missouri. In addition to reports from Missouri Baptist entities we’ll hear preaching from Johnny Hunt, Jimmy Scroggins, and J.D. Greear (among others). The Getty’s will be leading worship.
We’ll leave FBC at 8:00am on October 28 and return around 8:00pm on October 29. Our group has rooms reserved at the Best Western Plus Landing View Inn & Suites (403 W Main St, Branson, MO 65616).
Cost for lodging is $50 per person. To sign up contact Pastor Chris at cbaker@centraliafbc.org or call the office at 573.529.3378
The provisional program for the 2019 Annual Meeting of Missouri Baptists can be accesses here.
FBC Youth to Shyrock's Corn Maze
To register, call the church office or email cbaker@centraliafbc.org
What Every Christian Should Know About Salvation w/ Rob Phillips
What does it mean to be saved? And how does God’s work of redemption span time and eternity to provide a remedy for sin, which has ruined everything and alienated everyone from Him?
What Every Christian Should Know About Salvation explores twelve Bible terms that describe God’s gracious work of rescuing us from sin, returning us to a right relationship with with Him, and ultimately restoring us — and the fallen world in which we live — to the perfection Adam and Eve experienced before the Fall.
Rob Phillips is a Christian apologetics instructor with more than 25 years of experience in preaching, teaching, and training Christians to “earnestly contend for the faith … once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3).
He serves as strategic leader of Ministry Support and Apologetics for the Missouri Baptist Convention.
9:30am - What is salvation?
10:30 am - Salvation before time
11:30am - Lunch (provided on site)
12:15pm - Salvation in time, pt. 1
1:10pm - Salvation in time, pt. 2
10:15am - Salvation beyond time

MoBaptist Disaster Relief Training
The next Disaster Relief Volunteer training is October 4-5 in Warsaw, MO.
Becoming a Disaster Relief Volunteer provides an excellent opportunity for hands on service to people in need. Training is open to any member of a Southern Baptist church who is at least 18 years of age. Attending training does not obligate you to serve but is necessary before serving. Find out more information by visiting MoBaptist Disaster Relief.
Register by calling the FBC office at 573-682-2148 or by filling out the form below.

Biblical Counseling Training
2019: Sept 20-21, Oct 18-19, and Nov 15-16
Do you have a desire to help people who need help? Have you ever struggled to know how to go about helping them? Faith Biblical Counseling Ministries has equipped thousands of ministry leaders, pastors, and missionaries for more than 35 years. In 2019, they are partnering with us here at Harmony Bible Church to offer this training in Burlington, IA. Mark your calendars!
This regional training program will provide you with additional materials and expertise to help you help others have victory over difficult or challenging life situations. The heartbeat of both FBCM and Harmony Bible Church is the ongoing training of people just like you—people who desire to point hurting people to Jesus through the revelation found in His Word. Register at this link. Burlington is approximately 3 hours from Centraila. FBC is providing transportation and lodging to any member interested in attending.
For more information contact Pastor Chris at cbaker@centraliafbc.org or call the office at 573.682.2148.

Meet Missionary Kayla Meier
For the past year we’ve been blessed to partner with Kayla Meier as she serves in Romania. Join us on September 15 during our evening service to meet Kayla and hear about her ministry in Europe.
Back Yard Bash/Family Night Kickoff
We’ll be celebrating the start of the fall semester with a cookout and games on August 25.

New Service Schedule
We view the weeks and months ahead as vital to the future of our church. We are convicted that the healthiest way for us to gather for corporate worship in the days ahead is as one body. Join us on August 11 as we begin our new one-service Sunday schedule.
Dessert Fellowship
Join us as we thank the Westfall family and celebrate God’s work through their ministry over the past 4-plus years.
Scott will be sharing the details of his new ministry through the Missouri Baptist Convention at Missouri Valley College.
All are welcome. FBC Members please bring a dessert to share.
Call 573.682.2148 for information.
Merge Mission Camp
MERGE is an affordable summer camp experience with an emphasis on missions. Each day, students will go out on missions, experience awesome worship, and enjoy crazy games. MERGE is designed to give students the opportunity to serve others and share the message of God’s love to communities throughout Memphis, TN. You will be inspired by others through the servant spirit of students and adults while enjoying and learning from amazing speakers and worship leaders.
Email Scott Westfall at swestfall@centraliafbc.org or call 573.682.2148 for more information.
Parent-Child Dedication
Children are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3) and parents are called to the task of impressing His commands on their hearts (Deut. 6:6-7). This involves purposefully leading our children and Parent-Child Dedication signifies an ongoing commitment to this task. It also signifies a commitment of our church body to provide a loving, Biblical community that supports and prays for our families.
Parent Child Dedication is not the same as infant baptism. We believe baptism is a public statement of faith that can only be made by someone who has personally believed in Christ and infants are unable to make a decision to believe in Jesus.
Parent-Child Dedication is, however, an opportunity for parents to determine what matters most in their children’s lives and to consider, at the beginning of the parenting journey, how they can reflect those values as they lead their children.
If you have trusted in Christ as your Savior, you’re invited to participate in this service. While parents most often dedicate their children while they are young, they may be dedicated at any age.
Church-Wide Picnic
Join us June 9 for a chuch-wide picnic!
We’ll be providing the meat, drinks, and games. Bring along your favorite side or dessert and join us for some old-fashioned family fun. We’ll have horseshoes, lawn games, and other activities on the East Lawn of the church (behind Fenton’s Funeral Chapel).
Easter Breakfast
Our men are preparing breakfast for the whole FBC Family! Join us at 7:15am on Easter Sunday for a great time of food and fellowship.
Sunrise Service @ Centralia City Park
Join us on Easter Morning at the shelter near the pond in City Park as we celebrate the risen Christ!
Good Friday Service
Good Friday Service
Join us at 6pm on April 19, 2019 in the Sanctuary as we observe Good Friday together.
Casas por Cristo Fundraiser Lunch
We are hosting a Mexico Mission Trip Fundraiser Sunday, April 14th, following the 10:45am service. The meal will be a taco bar with drinks and dessert. Donations will be accepted at the door.
Following the meal there will be a meeting for all those participating in the trip this year.
Ladies Brunch
Ladies, you're invited to Brunch on Saturday, April 6th at 9am, doors will open at 8:30am. Come have fun with us and enjoy some good food and good company. You must signed up by March 31st if you wish to attend and feel free to invite a friend. Child care will be available as well. We hope you see you there! You can sign up by leaving a comment below or by calling 573-682-0070. There is no cost for this event but donations will be accepted for the youth that will be serving us that day if you wish to do so. This is for ladies 19 and older.
Visit our Facebook page for more information.

Walk Thru the Bible | OT Live
Experience an event that unveils God’s Word as you’ve never known it before. As you walk thru the Old Testament, you’ll realize that the Bible is coming to life and your knowledge of its people, places, and themes is rapidly increasing. In just a few short hours, you’ll see the big picture better than some who have studied for years.
Like many others, you may walk away saying, “I never understood the Bible like this before!” Most of all, you’ll develop a deeper connection with the God who wants you to know Him and will never stop pursuing your heart. The more you understand His story, the more you’ll realize it’s your story too. And the more you realize it’s your story, the more His words will change your life.
Experience the story of the Bible in a way that makes God’s Word come alive.
Learn 40 handsigns and stories designed to help you understand the big picture of the Old Testament.
See beyond the facts of the Bible and encounter its author.
When: March 24, 2019, Noon-4pm
Cost: FREE (all ages welcome)
Reserve your spot by filling out the form below:

Game Night Game Night
Join us for a night of fellowship, food, and fun! In lieu of our normal Sunday evening service we’ll be eating and playing board games in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a dish and your favorite board game! We’ll also celebrate the work our youth ministry has done raising funds for international mission over the past year.

FBC Kids to Lazer Lanes
Are you a parent of elementary-aged kiddos? Bring the family and join us for a trip to Lazer Lanes. More info available via our Facebook page.

CoMo Christian Men's Conference
Como Christian Men’s Conference
This conference is designed bring men from a variety of faith backgrounds together in an environment where they feel safe and challenged to explore a more meaningful relationship with God. Speakers include Matt Chandler, Jerrad Lopes, and Stu Webber.
Saturday, January 19, 2019 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
The Crossing, 3615 Southland Dr, Columbia, MO 65201
Cost $30
Contact Chris Baker (cbaker@centraliafbc.org) to sign up.
Casas por Cristo Informational Meeting
We’ll be returning to Juarez, Mexico to partner with Casas por Cristo in the summer of 2019! The trip will be from May 24-June 1. An informational meeting will be held immediately following the 10:15am service on January 6, 2019 for all those interested in joining the team. For more information, contact Scott Westfall at swestfall@centraliafbc.org.
Cookies and Hot Cocoa at FBC
Hey Centralia! Join us for hot cocoa and cookies immediately after the Lighted Tractor Parade on December 14. Everyone is welcome! Let us know you’re coming here.
Family Game Night
This week's TeamKID is a family event! Please join us for game night and bring a snack to share. See you Wednesday!