FBC Students Discipleship Now (DNow) Weekend

March 15th-17th, 2024

It is time to gear up for our FBC Students 2024 DNow weekend! Our theme this year is Apologetics and will use an apologetic (defense of the faith) approach to working through what our faith is and why we believe what we believe. Ultimately, we want students to see that their faith is rooted in God’s truth, and his trustworthiness and reliability.

Here are some specifics:

  • who: all 6th-12th grade students (they do NOT have to be a member of or regularly attend FBC Centralia)

  • when: March 15th, 5:15-9:00; March 16th, 8:00 am to 9:30 pm; March 17th, 8:00 am to noon

  • where: Centralia First Baptist Church (101 S. Collier St)

  • why: to deepen relationships among small groups and to explore Gospel-centered unity and what that looks like in our lives.

  • cost: $30 (max of $60 per immediate family)

If you have any questions or want to talk about the event, please reach out. You can call me on my cell at (573) 528-4569 or email me at jerry@centraliafbc.org.

I’m praying God works in a big way through this event, and I hope your student will join us.
